Monday, October 27, 2008

Grants and Grant Searches

I found several grants that had specific dates and purposes, but in searching the corporate world, I found sites for open-end grants. Each year people submit grants and they are rewarded based on the merit of the request. Even after selecting just a few sites, I can see why grant writers are in such great demand. One of the first sites I visited, Teacher Tap, offered a links to other sites.
Toyota provides an on-line grant process.
Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services has a Grants and Funding page;
NOVA 5000 Science Grant
Corning invites grant applications “Corning Incorporated Foundation makes grants in
support of education, culture and community service programs at the local level, and to selected national
and international programs identified by the Foundation.”
Sun Microsystems
The government has several on-going grant programs at;


Sarah Varno said...

Very interesting websites. I am finding that it is very hard to find grants that are specific to computer technology. A lot of them are geared toward science.

Tom said...

Very true, I believe that is another good reason for hiring a professional, to maximize your efforts.

maureen said...

Maybe we could find a grant that helped us pay for a professional grant writer!! Only kidding.. I did see many grants that are geared toward science. It was hard to find just computer technology. That is why I am thinking you may need to keep an open mind in searching for grants. You may not find what you really need, but you may find something that would help your school out.